
While I don't really get that excited for my birthday (especially the 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday), I decided to use it as an excuse to make time for me... something I'm definitely horrible about. So, I kicked off the weekend before my birthday by working at the local coffee shop. Peppermint lattes are... Continue Reading →

Life Lately

We've been living up January at home, and I'm loving it. We've been hitting the gym, reorganizing everything, and finding lots of fun. It's been great! On Black Friday, I snagged a family membership to the Discovery Center for $35. BEST DEAL EVER, because it's also good at other museums across the country- so we... Continue Reading →


Life has been pretty chill around here since the holidays- trying to beat some nasty colds, gross weather, and lots of not putting pants on, like ever. But, this past weekend my aunt invited us to hang out, and then I invited her to take my child for the night. And she happily agreed. So,... Continue Reading →


For Christmas this year, we packed up and headed to Louisville for a week full of family and fun. We loved getting to spend so much time with our growing family- 2 nieces, a nephew, and one more on the way. Things have definitely changed in the last two years! Speaking of change- who is... Continue Reading →


Honestly, I'm having a hard time nailing down goals for 2018. I think it's the same things that I've been continually trying to work on the past couple of years... so here's what I have. Be present. Shut down my phone and interact with my family. Invest in relationships with my friends and family. Travel.... Continue Reading →


2017... what a year. I'm not really a fan of these recap posts but got swept up in reading some others and decided to jot down a little bit about my year. I turned 30. I truly became a mother. We traveled A TON.... with an infant. I quit my job of 8 years and... Continue Reading →

Christmas Cheer

Today, one of those things happened that I always hear about happening to other people but never to me. I was with the family at Aldi- we ran in quickly to grab a few things before we headed to the gym. A friendly old man stopped to say hello to baby girl. She smiled and... Continue Reading →

Family Christmas

Since we will be visiting family out of town on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day, we took this past weekend to celebrate with our own little family and traditions. I am starting to love this holiday more and more as baby girl grows! We kicked off the morning with gingerbread pancakes. I attempted to use cookie cutters... Continue Reading →

Chicago… again!

Last week, I took a very quick trip to Chicago to stop in at my office and join everyone at our company holiday party. Because I tried to squeeze as much into as short of a trip as possible, I hightailed it to Chicago on a 7 AM flight... those always sound like a good... Continue Reading →

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